Latrun fortress (Le toron des chevaliers)

We jumped to a short walk to Latrun castle, a Crusader castle that sits on an hill on the road between Jerusalem and Tel-Aviv.

It was the place that gave the area its name: Le toron des chevaliers became Latrun. In the Independence war  a post of the Arab Legion set on this hill. And the castle, along with the Tegart fort, prevent the access to Jerusalem that was under siege.

The IDF tried to capture the fort five times and failed them all,  and the fort with the hill was left under Jordanian control until the it was captured in the Six days war. Only the opening of Burma Road during the Independence war ease the siege off Jerusalem and made the holding of Jerusalem possible.

Take Care

Starting the walk from the parking lot of the Trappists Latrun Monastery

 Walking along the fences of the monastery and Israel National trail signs
Walking along the fences of the monastery and Israel National trail signs

Xuxa enjoying lying in the hole she dug in the groundXuxa enjoying lying in the hole she dug in the ground

The edge of the monastery and a nice picture

The monastery behind a field of flowers

The bells of the monastery

The Olive grave around the hill - LatrunThe Olive grave around the hill

Climbing the hill - LatrunClimbing the hill

The back entrance to the monastery - LatrunThe back entrance to the monastery

Jordanian trenches on top of the hill

Structure from different eras: The basement is a crusades castle, the top is 1900's stone  Arab building and on the side is a Jordanian concrete and masonry structure - Latrun

Structure from different eras: The basement is a crusades castle, the top is 1900’s stone  Arab building and on the side is a Jordanian concrete and masonry structure

Arab construction – Made of gravity heavy walls. The roof is a Groin vault of stone without mortar.

The Crusaders‘ hall below the Arab building made of vault, but for a long hall like this, this mainly a barrel vault.

The modern Jordanian building – Masonry walls with reinforced concrete roof.

The rest of ruins of the castle - Latrum

The rest of ruins of the castle

Looking around - the view is magnificent - Latrun Looking around - the view is magnificent - Latrun

Looking around – the view is magnificent

  Looking South-West to you can see Neve Shalom - and Arab Jewish village - LatrunLooking South-West to you can see Neve Shalom – and Arab Jewish village

And North of the village is Ayalon valley - LatrunAnd North of the village is Ayalon valley

Looking North-West one can see the monastery bell tower and Gush Dan - Latrun

Looking North-West one can see the monastery bell tower and Gush Dan

On the North is Modi'in city - Latrun

On the North is Modi’in city

To the East are Judaen mountains

The evil Urtica – watch those, it sting =/


Link to the hike route

Latrun fortress, Israel

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Latrun fortress, Israel 31.831956, 34.982357

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