Aba test – four days alone with Jannaeus

Well seems like I past the test Aba test - four days alone with Jannaeus Atzva had been aboard for four days and was alone with Jannaeus.

It wasn’t such a big deal – those were 4 days of the week and Jannaeus went to the kindergarten. The cousins and grandfathers helped to keep an eye on him in the afternoon.

So why am I telling you about it?

Well, first of all it meant not to sleep for four days. Second – Atzva manage to deal with it. As my friend Donnie said “They don’t real trust us with their babys”. And who was really anxious about it was Atzva. Jannaeus doesn’t breastfeeding when he is with me. He doesn’t have any other physical need for his mother. And as those 4 days of test passed it seemed he can handle without his Ima for four days.

But his Ima? Well for her it was hard…

Take care