Arieh the cat run away from home

I guess Karma can read minds….
In the morning I walked by a massage saying “A cat was found”. I thought to myself lucky us Arieh always comes back home, as he does run away a lot from home. And now Arieh is missing for over 48 hours =/

He run away from time to time but never for for more than half a day. We are really worried for him – he is a very gentle cat. Jannaeus keep “playing” with him and he never got any scracth or bite from him. The vet keeps saying he is not from here, he isn’t a Israel-Palestinian cat, maybe someone brought him from abroad. He lay down in the clinic and does not move until he run back to his cage, I guess the vet does loves to take care of him.

He also got special food for he is allergic to chicken. Most of the cat food contains chicken, so he can’t eat almost anything outside: not the other cats food or other stuff thrown on the street.

When we were looking for a pic to post on the massage we couldn’t find any good one. At least not from lately, I guess we only take Jannaeus pics now. We finally found a pic, that he is with Jannaeus in the tab.

We really hope he’ll come back. We walked around with Xuxa and Jannaeus all around, opened canned food and Tuna, and yelled his name all over, but he’s still out. What really worries us, is that he always come back. So if he doesn’t, something might have happened to him.

Take Care



The post of the found cat (who finds cats?)The post of the found cat (who finds cats?)

A post of a lost catA post of a lost cat

The pic we found for the massageThe pic we found for the massage

He's back, safe and OK! and right to eatHe’s back, safe and OK! and right to eat

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