West bank car kidnaps

Following the West bank car kidnaps, about a week ago Atzva family published that their event will take place in Beit-Horon and not in Dolev, and asked who will come. I laughed at them, saying that we don’t visit Israeli settlements in the west bank (both of them are, and also Har Adar).

But it seems we might not have gone there after what happened yesterday evening. Hijacking cars in the west bank roads isn’t new. You won’t find much in the press on it, for those are crimes and not terror attacks: The cars are hijacked to sale them, and not in order to kill the Jews driving in them. None of those events had gone wrong and ended with death. At least till now.

The method is simple: A car blocks you, make you stop your car, when you go out to figure out what happened, they pull you aside, get inside and drive away. But yesterday it became violence, when the attackers used clubs to try and break in, as the woman driver locked herself inside. And that is something much more serious and frighting than before.

Not that to be left in the middle of the west bank, surrounded by Arab villages is such a delight. In one case the car was stolen with a baby in the back seat. When the father of the baby understood it, he grab his gun, jumped into the car and drove to collect his wife. She showed him the direction and they drove into the area A village alone to find the baby. The hijackers realized they have a baby in the back seat and left the car outside the village. This was of course, could have ended very bad, if it was a terror attack…

Take Care

The announcement of one of the car kidnaps attack in Dolev settlement web pageThe announcement of one of the car kidnaps attack in Dolev settlement web page

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