First Tantrum

“We had  a tantrum today. the first one.” Atzva answered when I asked how was their day.

“What is it?”

Jannaeus laying on the floor, screaming and crying. That is tantrum.” First Tantrum

It is part of the Horrible Two Years Old Time (a term Atzva refuses to use). It is going to last about a year.

What can you do when he has that meltdown? – pretty much nothing. Only to prevent him from hurt himself: let him lay on the ground and not on the sofa (he might roll over and fall) He himself is pretty astonished by the strength of his emotions, and it takes time dor him to relax. They say that in this point you have to show him love, not to be mad or blame him (you probably will after you see a show like this).

Well, we entered the club of the parents you feel pit for when you see their kid laying on the floor of the supermarket, making a scene. And they don’t where to bury themselves from embarrassment 🙂

Take care

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