
A crack in the rib

Remember I went to bone spec? Well, even I have forgotten 🙂

Except claiming I have an healthy knee and nothing to be worried about, they do found some things I had to be worried about: a crack in my thigh, (that might be a stress fracture) and some cracks in my ribs (that might be old fractures?).

Somehow it always happen. Just like when investigating  a structure failure or an accident in the army. They don’t usually find the reason for the main subject, but many other problem, around it are recognized. Just like I went to see if I have a problem in the chest after my car accident (We will go back to it later), and they have found out I am missing a part 🙂

First of all, I still have knee problems. When visiting the physiotherapist, he said I have something moving in my knee and I should have a exercise program to prevent it from going worse. The problem is that when I try to set the next visit, the nearest option is in September =/ Till then I try to run easy, and not to increase the volume of the runs.

And what about the other problems I have? Well the thigh stress fracture is probably from the run. It only make sense – I walk, I cycle and I run. Not that I training for the Ironman or something, but I don’t rest enough. And when you don’t rest enough, even the thickest bone in the body cracked.

The rib is probably from the same car accident that led to reveling that I am missing a kidney. That made after all – I don’t have any aches in the chest or on the upper belly, at least not a kind that I can relate to the ribs. I then remembered that I do complained to the doctor couple of months ago. It was when I got a virus. I told him I wouldn’t have come to see him, unless I had a toddler and a pregnant wife at home.

That doctor looked at me and said:
“Do you sleep good?”
“As much as I can with my son”
“He sleeps with you?”
“My wife brings him to the bed, when he got up in the middle of the night”

Then it hit me.
The reason why my ribs might hurt:

Sleeping with the toddler and maybe the solution to the riddle (source: Instagram) - BoneSleeping with the toddler and maybe the solution to the riddle (source: Instagram)

Take care

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