How babies talk - The magic and mystery of language in the first three years of life

Jannaeus vocbluary blust

Hi,It seems that what I was consider as the protowords step in Jannaeus language levels, might be the next level: The vocabulary spurt!

And it exactly as it sounds: a spurt of words. If only couple of months ago we managed to track the new words he got, now it is pretty impossible. When you point of something and name it, so he can learn he repeats it and boom – he got a new word. Next time you’ll point at it, he’ll name it. You know they say that little kids brain is like a sponge that absorb everything? In this point of Jannaeus development it really looks like. This also the time to clean up our language, no more cursing.

He still got this upside French style in which he mainly pronounce the last syllable, but he is  getting better at it all the same :-).

The colors is something we are still working at. Look at the picture for example:

Red, Green, Grey an White cars - vocabularyRed, Green, Grey and White cars.

You are probably thinks: “Here are Red, Green, Grey and White cars.” But you ask Jannaeus what is it, He’ll say it is a car (a new word). If you ask him what kind of car he may say big (also a new word). And if you insist, asking more specific what color he’ll answer Blue (Kachul in Hebrew). And blue will be the answer no matter which car you point.

Not that we need get stressed if not, but he seem to catch the vocabulary spurt  on time. Normally it comes between 18 and 24 months old, while Jannaeus just hit year and seven months (how big he ‘s already!). Normal is by the way, based on a massive research that made in the US affluent families, meaning the level is pretty high.

You probably  wonder how I came I am so into Jannaeus language (And how I know those things, about the researches for example). it is because of the book I borrowed called “How babies talk – The magic and mystery of language in the first three years of life“. Now that I got to the point it describes the development level Jannaeus in, It is really fun to watch him and understand the development.

How babies talk - The magic and mystery of language in the first three years of life - vocabulary
The book cover

Take care

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