Europe summer time


People in Israel have a say that makes me mad – when they get to a nice place they admire it by saying “it’s like Europe here!”. Like saying a place cannot be that beautiful when it is in Israel.

Today we drove from Athens to Delphi. “It is Europe like here”, I say kidding to Atzva. I wasn’t wrong of course, but I also didn’t fully understood the meaning of what I said until we got to the highway.

Summer or not summer, it is still Europe up in the mountains. The rain that flushed the road, reminded me that.😅

The rain storm that hit us on the way

Lucky for us it was after we got on the highway, and not on the small and stiff roads of the mountains of Greece. That is also something worth a word.

We in Israel have summer rains, but it doesn’t seem anything like that. They are more like a nice drip the settle the summer dust, and spread ir evenly over the country. Not the kind that make slow down on the road and turn on the emergency lights.

I have  been to Greece once – to the island of Kos. It is an Island what means it mostly coasts. A pretty high hill rose in the middle, but how high can it get in the middle of an island?

Here we started climbing from the coasts of Greece and get inside continental Greece until we got to Delphi. The town is 550m above sea level but it sits on the slopes of mt. Parnassos which get to height of 2500m! I know it isn’t much in South America, but for us in Israel it is almost the highest mountain 😃

The valley and mountains below DelphiThe valley and mountains below Delphi

Mt. Parnassos“I never thought Greece has such high mountains” Atzva said and  I agreed. For us Greece is for a summer vacation – lying on the beach, and not for winter vacation like skiing.



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