A Qassam rocket on Be’er Sheva

So this round has ended (with a A Qassam rocket  on Be’er Sheva)

In 12:17 Hamas and the other organizations leading declared the end of this round. They also stated that from now on, it is responsibility for the quiet from now on.

But a minute later, in 12:18, a red alert siren was sounded in Eshkol regional council. You might think to yourself – well, they have pushed and used all the time they had until the last moment. And a bit more.

An hour later, in 13:10, another siren was heard in Eshkol regional council. “An isolated team that didn’t receive the massage yet. that can happen.”. Israel response was a tank shell shot on an agricultural field.

On 15:08, three hours after Hamas had declared that the round, allegedly, had ended another siren was heard. But this time, it was heard in the city of Be’er Sheva. Be’er Sheva is the largest city in the area. And 4th in its size in Israel. The city was quiet for 4 years,  since operation protective edge has ended.

If you still think, Hamas interest is to keep the surface quiet – maybe it need to be reconsidered. I know that Hamas and the fellowship terror organizations holding the Gaza strip, does not care about the Palestinian population under its control.

Israel reaction was bombing a civilian five – story building, that was used for military targets. That is a change in the conception. Until now only Hamas posts and hangers were bombed. And again, no building in this size has been bombed and destroyed since Operation protective edge. The idea behind it to put pressure on the civil population in Gaza strip to take Hamas down.

I don’t think this is the right way to handle it, to put more pressure on the poor people in Gaza. It really doesn’t seem they have something to loss. They basiclly have nothing, while Hamas promise them something at least – pride.

Take care
Gad A Qassam rocket on Be'er Sheva