Sleeping in the army


Well our company commander wife just gave birth. Meaning that this military drill might be more lazy than those are usually are. Take those two days for example – They were meant for commander pre – exercise. But we mainly managed to do nothing in it.

Yesterday after moving some APCs around, we found ourselves in bed in 21:00 with nothing else to do. We did talked about walk to the near by Kibbutz for a sip of beer, or to visit the tank company commanders that arranged themselves a nice BBQ dinner – but we just managed to waste those hours in doing nothing and realize it is too late and we are too tired to do anything at all.

We woke up in 6:30 in the morning, and even that was to early for we didn’t do much until noon. Nine and an half hours of straight forward sleeping. That is something I didn’t had in a long time. Didn’t had to wake up early for work, neither wake up in the middle of the night for Jannaeus. I also didn’t stay up late for no reason at all (patching up the site, looking for things to buy on Aliexpress and than regret it or checking the stock charts) for doing it on the cellphone isn’t fun.

Funny is I woke up in the morning and open the Haaretz newspaper app just to find that the second article headline says: “All I want is to sleep, but not too much, a new research revels that too much sleep causes damage to the brain.”

It seems I cannot enjoy all the way after all…

But don’t worry, I guess next week will be a pleasant week of good sleeping. After all I will have physical exercise all day, food (even if not good) and a night I don’t have to wake in the middle.

Take care

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