Week 40 + 6 days of pregnant




They say second birth comes earlier than the first one (in weeks counting of course, not chronologically)…

So they say. But Atzva is in her week 40 plus another 6 days. Meaning she is 6 days beyond her due date. She does have contractions, but they are still not regular and far apart. Nothing to rush to hospital for. Only 4% of the woman gives birth in their date. so no panic .

How much long can it takes? Well I never heard of someone giving birth after week 42. But today someone pay my attention that week 42 can also mean it can be week 42 plus 6 days 😱.

Jannaeus birth  was a day after the due date – meaning week 40 + day. That is why that time Atzva took her vacation a week earlier than due date. So she can relax a bit before, as this birth will probably earlier. For now she sits down at home for two weeks waiting a praying to give birth.

What do you do to hurry up? Well, first of all – sex. Than Atzva clean the house. They say helps, but I think they mean to really wash the floors and not only vacuum clean.

In the mean time, the first thing people say when they see me is at work “So?!…. she haven’t given birth yet?”

“Well, if she had given birth – I wouldn’t be here…” 😃

Take care

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