It’s a girl!

It’s a girl!


I am happy to announce the birth of Mindal 🎊🙈🤗

This birth was different from Jannaeus birth in so many ways. First, it started with contractions and not with water that broke. Second it only took 4 and an half hours 😃 and not 15 🙈. And this was because of the main and biggest difference: it was Natural birth 😁.

It means there was need for surgery or medical intervention. Lucky for her she had no need for those in any of her birth. But this time there was no need for any medical pain relief 😁
This was idea also in the birth. But back then, with realizing that the water broke were meconial, there was a need to be monitored all the time and almost not to move. What made it harder to deal with the pains and ended when she asked for Epidoral.

That time? She also had to be monitored all the time because they found the baby’s heartbeat isn’t stable. But they let her move a bit. That was good enough to handle the pains until some point (open 6). Then she broke and asked for the divine Epidoral. But the birth advanced so fast, that when they got in, she was on open 10 and the water already broke 😃.

10 minutes later Mindal was out healthy and waiting to take her mother nipple.

The recovery was amazing. Either it was the fact it is the second birth, it only took 4.5 hours (and not 15) or it was without pain relief – Atzva asked for her glasses 2 minutes later and smiled. In the first birth she could barely open her eyes to look at the Jannaeus.

For me – I managed to really look at everything. That is really an experience 😁. To see her goes out, and to cut the umbilical cord…

Take care

Mindal on her Ima - Natural birthMindal on her Ima

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