Sandals in general good condition


For someone who spends most of his days with sandals on his fit, changing it is a major event.

The last time it happened it was and half years ago .Atzva and I had no kids and we were hiking through Israel deserts with friends. A long time ago indeed 😉.
In a country like ours, when it is hot and dry most of the time, sandals are best fit. Not snickers or heavy boots that just too hot for it. Taking down your shoes in the end of the day and it soaked wet.

About getting my feey wet – I prefer getting wet And then dry quickly then shield myself over. At least when it comes for my feet. The rest is well shield with Gortex pants and rain jacket. The bag is also covered with its cover.
We were about to leave the house and the old fair fell apart. I didn’t have time to fix it for the “I don’t know which” time and just slip into my new pair 🙂
I had long thought if the new model of Chaco Z1 Classic (link) is worth buying:
Mainly because it didn’t have Vibram sole. I usually tear up the sole before the straps before the sole. Finding a sandal with that sole meant It can last longer for me. As it really did.
Couple of days in it I can two things:
1. The straps are thinner. The old one felt better on the shoe, while does feel more like nylon. What makes me think the whole sandal will last less.
2. The sandal weight less. It is one size smaller, but the last one had no sole. It feels better, I just hope it will means it is less durable.
Take care

Torn up, and this time for good -sandalsTorn up, and this time for good

In general good condition

The new pair, hope it hold up at least as the last pair did

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