Into the rockets range


It was a Shabbat of fire down in Southern Israel And I am going down there into the rockets range.

Unlike Fatma, who study in Beer Sheva and pretty soon joined the circle of fire (as most time happens). Or my coworkers who lives in Ashkelon and spend the day in the safe room. I go down there to work in the factory.

In most of those rounds (here, here, here), Kiryat Gat is out of the rockets range. But this time rockets hit the city and already caused injuries and damage. Over 5 rounds of rockets were fired over to the city. One woman, 80 years old, was severely injured from rocket sharpanels in Qiryat gat streets.  Also a house in Kiryat Gat was directly hit by a rocket that didn’t explode and a Mikve which luckly was empty was hit by a rocket.

I will not let this change my day, as always. But I guess I will have to push the pedals, and get as fast as can from the train station to the factory.

The first 24 hours (till 3:00)

On Israel side –
1 dead
58 injuries (4 0f them moderate-severly)
Over 250 rockets were shoot over
16 buildings were damaged or were directly hit.
300,000 pupils will stay at home tomorrow

On Gaza strip side –
8 dead
50 injuries
100 targets were bombed
4 buildings were demolished
1 tunnel was collapsed

Take care

Sitting in the staircase room in Beersheva in the rockets rangeSitting in the staircase in Beer Sheva

A hit in Ashkelon - in the rockets rangeA hit in Ashkelon, near my co-worker house

A sharpanel in the hit place in AshkelonA sharpnel near the hit point in Ashkelon

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