End of another round


Seems this is the end of another round, which was bloody than the last one (here, here and here): 4 Israelis have died: 3 of them of mortar shells and rockets, either by direct hit or from shrapnels. Another was directly shoot and kilked by Kornet anti-missile that hit his vehicle.

Over 600 rockets and mortar shells where fired over Israel by Hamas and the Islamic Jihad terror organizations.

While the IDF attacked over 350 targets killing 23 Palestinians, including a baby and a pregnant woman that were probably hit by Islamic Jihad explosives.

Do not think that this end of round is the end of the war. A cease fire was agreed from 4:30 AM, and until now it looks like it been kept, for now.
But each round is more bloody, more aggressive than the one before. On both sides.

We are on our path to another war (or operation as we like to call it here). The only question is when it will be and not if it will be.

Yesterday most of the workers of the company that hire us stayed at home, or worked from the center of Israel. Except that, and some mess in the train schedule, it was another day at the office.

The real fear was that the rockets will get to Tel Aviv and we will run with the kids to the basement. That was probably the next step, if not a cease fire was agreed on.

Take Care

Watching the news in the office - end of another roundWatching the news in the office before the end of another round

concrete walls as a safe area - end of another roundConcrete walls as a safe place against rockets on the factory parking lot