Fire season


That was what I had in my mind when I wrote the post about “On the fire” Season. But it is also the “Fire season”.

The weather is getting warmer everyday. But unlike summer time, when it wet and moisture, now it is dry as desert winds can be.
It is the perfect weather for wild fires. All that grow beautifully in our good and rainy winter, and sits for couple of weeks in the middle eastern sun it is now dry and flammable.

You don’t need much to ignite a deadly fire. “It is enough one stupid with a match” as KKL ads says.

I am thinking of the fire in Mount Carmel about ten years ago. And the one in Haifa couple of years ago. Many of Israel forests are made of Pine trees. The British started planting those during thier Mandate regime, altough it is not part of the Israeli Flora. And after Israel indenpendance, KKL kept planting this type of tree. Pines are the fire material as they are flammable. Part of the pines circle of life are those fires that erase all life around, and later it can prosper faster than other plants and trees.
In the last years we had more fires which were ignites on purpose, as an act of terror. Many fires around Gaza strip are lit by terror kites or terror balloons. Those prahses still don’t seem wired to me – how such naive and childish toys can become means of terror.

This week the fire consumed about third of Ben Shemen forest, and totally erased Mevo Modi’im that was built between the forest trees. Leaving 40 families with nothing but to their cloths they were wearing.

Take care

One stupid is enough to burn a whole forest - Fire seasonOne stupid is enough to burn a whole forest (source: Flicker)