

When I was in my After army trip in South America, I was mostly traveling alone or with a another guy. Staying away from the big Israelis groups. When a girl asked me what is so wrong about them, I answered in one word – Logistics.

But with two kids, a dog and a cat…. well, everything is logistics. Traveling for a weekend in Atzva or my parents house, is the less complicated but still something you have to think about and rearrange in advance. Not to talk about a small day hike, camping or taking a vacation abroad 😲.

But those things are still the easy part – the day to day routine is the real headache. After all, when you know you need someone to go out early from work in advance, it is different from a massage “the nany won’t be able to take Janneaus in a couple of hours from the kindergarden”.

In the IDF you always have the commander and the deputy. While the commander leads, the deputy is over the logistics. In the family it is more like Atzva and I are deputies. Which leaves the question: who leads?… 😏

Take care

Just a quick weekend at my parents house - and look on the Logistics we deal withJust a quick weekend at my parents house – and look on the Logistics we deal with

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