Feels like America. We always wanted to be America didn’t we? So just like in America we have a policeman killing a young guy based on the color of his skin. And now we have riots based on the color of skin. In our case those are the Ethiopian riots.
Two days ago a policeman hanged out with his family on a garden, and felt threatened by a violent young guy. The policeman shoot the guy to death. Either he was in risk and rush to defend his family, we’ll know only in a couple of months.
But nobody waits for a trail. The case raised the feeling of the Ethiopian community that doesn’t being treated equally and claims that Israel society is racist.
Last night protests became Ethiopian riots: people were injuries, as well as policeman and fire fighters, cars were burned, an have traffic jams were caused. The policeman were using anti-riots equipment.
Today the protest will continue. In 15:00 the factory was empty as everybody rush home to avoid traffic jams. Azrieli junction, in Tel Aviv, is already closed and policeman are surrounding it.
I do feel the racism in our society. And I wish Ethiopian could protest and gain what they claim easily, and it is not the first time they try (1996, 2015 and 2018 – link in Hebrew) .The problem is that we want to be America. You won’t get something for free. Ethiopian doesn’t hold the political coins. What they have is violent to pay with.
Take care
Azrieli Junction today afternoon
Death to policeman, left from yesterday
A young Ethiopian watching the junction with a shirt saying “The finger is easier on the trigger because I am black”
A crowd is gathering outside- Ethiopian riots
Policeman around the junction, and police tape closing the are for vehicles
Sticker claiming “Policeman, why did you arrest me? My skin color is not a reasonable suspicion!”
Azrieli junction yesterday (source: Haaretz)
Ayalon Highway closed (source: Haaretz)