Mountain Gazelle in Golan heights


We were about to set our improvised shooting range, when our company commander asked us to look on the  baby gazelle that just stand and looked at us.

I instantly pulled up my camera, but all I could catch was the baby gazelle and the rest of the herd of the gazelles running away from us

Back on the days, we lived in Jerusalem  I used to see many of those. There was an herd of mountain gazelles, down on the valley below Ramot neighborhood I was living at. I think that kept them a live was the fact that the valley was between a Jewish neighborhood of Jerusalem and the Arab village of Beit Iksa.

The Jewish were afraid to hike there for the fear of the Arab village, and the Arab were afraid to hike there for the fear of the Israeli security forces. That kept the valley free for the Gazelles to have fun.

Oh… and don’t worry, we were aiming close enough, so almost not shooting had crossed over the wall rocks that was in front of us.

You can still see a herd of Gazelles in Jerusalem, maybe even in the valley I was just wrote you about. But if you want to be sure you see gazelles you have the Gazelles Valley Park in Southern Jerusalem.

Make sure you are not confusing the Mountain Gazelle with the Ariel Gazelle that lives in the desert (both are species Gazelles). Or with the Ibex, which also lives in the desert and have much bigger horns.

Our temporary shooting range - without gazelleOur temporary shooting range – without Gazelles

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