IDF forces at the horseshoe junction - sad songs

Sad songs


Either it was supposed to show how sad everybody are, or because you just could not play happy songs – sad songs were playing in the radio after the massive terror attacks of 1990’s. Someone even had a newspaper column back then, saying how Israeli it is pepole know those old hebrew sad songs because there somedays these is the only thing you can hear on radio, no matter which radio station you were listening to.

Today I was listening to the radio while working on the apartment we just moved in to. It was a good music. The revised 1990’s hit list was playing for most of the day.

In the morning another terror attack happened in the spring near Dolev. It was again people from Lod, that were hit. This time a 17 years old Rina Shenrav was murdered and her father and brother moderate to badly injured. The last was in 2015, and the spring is now called over the victim of that attack – Spring Dani.

While Atzva whatsapp group went crazy trying to figure out if was someone they know I was enjoying the music.

It suddenly let me understand they kept running the hit list. No old Hebrew sad song were played. Once an hour, when the news were broadcast the terror attack was up in the air.

Nobody stop the music those days. Maybe if it was a massive terror attack in the middle of Tel Aviv, but not for one family in a spring near a settlement. Maybe we just not longer in this 1990’s mode that those terror attacks made all the country bleed.

I don’t know if the fact they kept  suddenly feel so bad. Or maybe it was the mix of 1990’s music with a terror attack….

Take care

IDF forces at the horseshoe junction - sad songsIDF forces at the horseshoe junction, where the roads leads to the spring

Forces at the enterance to Dolev settlement - sad songsForces at the enterance to Dolev settlement

Dolev, Israel

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Dolev, Israel 31.925928, 35.135178


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