

Jannaeus is back to the kindergarden (some consider it a nursery because they are not 3 years old yet). Mindal is also on a nursery (after last year mess). After a summer of taking care of them, 1st of September came as water for the thirst*

It seems we are know on the merchandising stage: it is Fireman Sam Jannaeus is in to.

We have one book of Fireman Sam, but it seems all over: in birthdays parties, in other kids plays and in their houses.

At the moment we have do not have much merchandising. Only a bottle of shampoo we figure out will help us get him into the shower faster. It did worked for a while… 😁

But the book seems to be enough: all the family members already named after one of the characters. Jannaeus is of course Sam the fireman. Mindal is Elvis, Xuxa is Rexi, Atzva is Boys and I am Steel.

But not only him, but also in superheroes. Not someone specific, but superheroes in general. I think it will be more clear if he consider him to be superheroes in plural 🙂

We did figure out this Friday that he is also Batman, along with Sam the fireman and superheroes (yes, in plural 🙂).

Atzva and I just watching The Boys TV show. What makes us rethink about this all superheroes thing 🙄

* As Atzva prashed it “August is over and so are all our savings”. But now we are with two kids in nursery, and that is a lot of money as well…

Take care


Our Sam the fireman book - SuperheroesOur Fireman Sam book

Our Sam the fireman shampoo - superheroesOur Fireman Sam shampoo