Aba test II – Home alone with Jannaeus and Mindal


Second Aba test – Passed!

I had my first Aba test on 24 of March 2018. Then it meant to be home alone with Jannaeus for four days while Atzva is off for a course in Amsterdam. Now it was home alone with two kids, for only 3 days (but 5 nights). But the big difference was the weekend.

Last time, Jannaeus was in nursery each day Atzva was off. This time, only one of the days was a regular week day – Thursday. It means I had two full days with Mindal and a day and an half with Jannaeus. And that’s my dear is heavy.

Even Atzva, with all her Ima super-abilities has special planes when I am off for reserve duty. For both of us this special plan means – a weekend in grandparents house. And the more cousins and aunts you can get the better

It really life-saver. After 3 nights of barely sleeping – I managed to sleep to go through the last night. Even the idea you can take a longer shower than 3 minutes, and not to stop every couple of seconds in case you did not hear them crying is something different.



Take Care

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