Sukot supports


Sukot is here. The holiday when Israel is getting full of those temporary shelters called Sukot. Those seven days are im memory of the way Israel did from Egypt to Israel durimg the Exdus.

My whatsapp, on the other hand is getting full of pics of Sukot supports construction. As the Sukot supposed to be temporary, for a week, so are the supports. People allow themselves to improvise light and quick supports.

Before I went and had my construction engineer degree, I used to be amazed how those sukot supports are holding those temporary shelters. 😲

Now, when I am an experienced constuctor, I am not amazed, but terrified. 😱

People are sleeping on those  Sukot supports. And on the holiday evenings whole the family gathers inside the Suka….

I look on it and thinks what might happen if it will collapse during one of those evenings 😕

You have to be very brave to sit on those constructioñ, not to talk about sleeping in it. I have the feeling the people doing it fully aware how dangerous it is. Maybe they believe God will take care of them and won’t let them hurt, because they are doing it for him, profilling one of his Mitzvot.

If this is not enough, some are using it after the holiday. After all, they had paid for a new construction. Why not using it as a balcony during the rest of days of the year?…

Take care

sukot supports

Sukot supports A support for a suka. You to be very brave and not to understand what  you are doing to sit on this construction. This building is covered with prefabricated panels. We are working on those kind of building, to retrofit it against earthquake. I know what those panels designed to hold, and this is not enough to support this construction.

sukot supports - it been used as regular room“If we invest the money, why not use it for  a regular room…” 😣

sukot supports - building the constructionBuilding a new support, I will not go underneath it…

new builings for the ultra orthodox community with balconies for sukotNew buildings in Modiin Illit with balconies for sukotNew buildings in Modi’in Illit with balconies for sukot