

I remember Hanukkah party at my grandfathers: as she deep frying the Sufganiyah, I am running away from an ultra orthodox with scissors who tries the cut a little braid I had above my nape.

This days are pretty gone: I mean who deep fries those days in his own home?  The ultra orthodox are keeping running after the non – religous, maybe not with scissors on hand, but they do

If you don’t know what a Sufganiyah is, let sort it out for you – it is a doughnut, but without the hole 😉. Traditionally it is covered with sugar powder and filled with strawberry jelly. What makes it a jelly doughnut 😆.

Those days they are no longer filled with strawberry jelly, but with any other thing you can think of: chocolate cream, other jelly types, milk cream, butterscotchetc…

In the last years a bakery and coffee house net called Roladin, started to produce Sufganiyah on a different class – a luxury one. Those are packed with all kind of creams. And on top of them a tower of fruits, Glasage, creams, butterscotch, nuts, sweets crumble, candies, Ganache, etc… 😋

Why did I remember my grandmother deep frying? Because when I suggested Atzva to bring some from Roladin, she decided to deep fry us some Sufganiyah at home an easy recipe in the internet, 10 working minutes, a full of oil, and we had a dish full of hot sweet Sufganiyot

Take Care

Atzva Sufganiyahot - SufganiyahAtzva Sufganiyot – Sufganiyah

Roladin SufganiyahRoladin Sufganiyah