Bibi charged in crimes


This is final – we have a prime minister charged in crimes. After he decided to withdrew his immunity request our Prime Minister, Bibi, was charged in 1000, 2000 and 4000.

He is only a temporary prime minister, as none could manage to set a government and still to hold the title – but still a prime minister. The first in Israel to sit on his chair (at least until next round of elections in March), unlike Ehud Olmeret that resigned from the job once he has been charged.

I don’t it really clear to anyone why Bibi decided to stop the process to get immunity. I can only guess – see Bibi is working to set himself as a victim. Yes, the prime minister for the past 10 years is the victim of system he is leading. They wish to overthrown him, and because they fail in doing so, they are looking for unligitmate ways – such as accusing him in crimes he didn’t commit. Atzva is beiliving so, so why not the rest of his voters. The prison is full of victims that was accused in crimes they didn’t commit… 😒

I must say, again, that he is the reason we have no government for last year. Will this new situation will finally break this freeze in Israeli politics? Time will tell, but I don’t think it will change.

Nothing changed from the previous two elections. People that supports Bibi, will continue do so. And so do people who hate him (basically – all who votes Kachul Lavan party). But I do hope I am wrong.

Meanwhile Trump declared his Century Peace Plan. Which does not bring something new to the table. Well it does bring the idea that the USA government will allow Israel to annex areas in the west bank. But it is’nt far away from earlier ideas and discussions. But Bibi uses it as part of his elections campaign and also try to leverage it for his own private campaign.

Take Care

Our prime minister, Bibi, charged in crimesOur prime minister, Bibi, charged in crimes

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