
“You are about to go through an Airport, in the middle of this Coronavirus plague. Do you have a mask?” Atzva asked me yesterday. 😷

Well I didn’t have a mask, and according to what I read it won’t be any difference. But there were people with masks in the airports. One even thought it will be funny to cover Milka cow with a mask.

I didn’t pay attention to the Virus itself. I don’t know how fast it really spread, and how much of the sickness are dying.

I am on the plane and all I have is what people are saying around here – that Coronavirus is not worse than a simple flu we have every year, by number of dead. But it does spread faster than it. That the real problem is that people are sick and the economy is slowing down.

That It is possible that China is lying everybody. And that the plague is much more serious that what we all know. Again mainly for economic reasons, so the market will not collapse at once.

To tell the true, I am going on this ski vacation a bit sick. Coughing and snizzing. Come to think about it, I hope no one will mark me as sick in Coronavirus and leave me to rotten in the airport until proven I am not sick 😱

One thing I will make sure I am doing – wash my hands before eating 👏

Take Care

Passengers with masks - corona virusPassengers with masks

Airport workers with masks - coronavirusAirport workers with masks

Milka cow with a mask - coronavirusMilka chocolate cow 🐄🍫 with a mask against the Coronavirus😂