The level of the Kinneret (Sea of Galilee)

“What is the level of sea of Galiliee?” one might ask (although we call it the Kinneret), and you may ask – who cares?

We care. Someone wrote that this level is what different between a Jew and Goy, between Zionists and post-zionists and it stars in TV, radio an across the Hebrew Internet.

We live in counrty which most of it is desert, and the rest will be desert as global warming picks up speed.

That means water are limited resource around the area, any every drop of water counts 🚰. Especially a water resource as the Kinneret. And pipes and waterline were stretched from it all the way down to the Negev to supply water to the thirsty land of Israel.

That is why every cm the sea of Galilee raised was a reason to celebrate 🎉 and every cm it went down led to depression 😞.

Those days are passed as new way to supply water – desalination plants. The Kinneret doesn’t supply water as before, ans it is mainly used locally. the national water carrier is pretty empty and some even say we need to use the other way – to supply water to the north.

But the level of the Sea of Galilee is still important to us. We call it the national barometer and the level of the sea was the level of national happiness 🙂. Maybe because we fill a bit normal talking about water, not about war. And the fact Degania dam (Sea of Galilee dam) might be open this year first since 1995 show how Israel is blessed with rain. (see here how the level looks today and in the last years)

By the way – we call it sea, and it is called sea of Galilee but in fact it is no more than a lake, in which you can easily see across to the other side. But it doesn’t matter as long as the meter of its level keep raising 😁

Take care

A view of the Kinneret from SussitaA view of the Kinneret from Sussita

A view of the Kinneret form the other side - From TiberiesA view of the Kinneret form the other side – From Tiberies

Level of the Kinneret between 1.1.2004 till 21.2.2020 Level of the Kinneret between 1.1.2004 (around last time) till 21.2.2020. Usually the pick at the level reaches around April (Source: Kinneret authority)

Level of the Kinneret between 1.1.1969 (start of digital mesurments) till todayLevel of the Kinneret between 1.1.1969 (start of digital measurements) till today. See how in the last years the average level is lower than before. Source: Kinneret authority)