Cyclamen hill near Tal Shahar 🌷


We packed ourselves and jumped to the car to see the blooming Cyclamen hill near Tal Shahar. Well, this sentence summarize about 3 and half hours of preparations, from around 6, when we woke up. You feed the kids, start packing, change diapers, have to take Xuxa for a short walk, finish packing, have to feed the kids again, change diaper, finally have the chance to brush you teeth and to grab something while you start stepping down the stairs…

When we finally got there, we found a beautiful hill covered with carpets of cyclamen flowers blooming from every place (including in between the stones). It is big enough to walk around without stepping into other people, if you have the “guts” to walk a little bit off the main 4×4 road that climb the hill

“You didn’t sell it right”, Atzva told me after ten minutes up the hill.

“I told you we are going to see the cyclamen hill near Tal Shahar, what did you think we will see if not flowers?”

“Not that!” she replied.

Well, neither do I. Near Har Adar, there are also a forest full of  cyclamen. But there are no endless carpets of flowers, which you have to see you don’t step on.

The cyclamen flower is protected flower, just like the Purple Iris. But unlike the Purple Iris it is much more common. We don’t pick up flowers in general, and especlly not protected ones, but it seems not all the people agree with it – “Look how much we got!” they told us. That what led to the almost instinction of the flower from Israel – people picking it up, or taking the whole plant home (it is now a criminal act).

Take Care

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Cyclamen hill near Tal Shahar

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Cyclamen hill near Tal Shahar 31.789987, 34.896841