Inauguration of a Sefer Torah

Monday we celebrated the end of writing of a new Sefer Torah, and had great parade from Atzva parents house to the main synagogue in Dolev for the inauguration the Sefer Torah.

The Sefer Torah (“Torah Book”) we have in the Jewish synagogues is a scroll of leather. The scroll is rolled between tow sticks which allows to roll it easily.

Most of the Sifrei Torah (in plural), especially new ones, have a a fancy case made of metal with craving and Jewish symbols.

The book is been written by a Jewish scribe, called Sofer Stam with a feather pen and ink. The last letters of the Torah are written by the donors of the book (in this case the family members of Atzva). Well not really written by them. They hold the hand of the Sofer while he fills in the ltters with Ink.

The parade is led by a van with speakers and magnificent lightning system. Behind it is the Sefer Torah under a special cover, surrounded with people that dance and sing.

Funny is that Atzva, grow up as a religious girl, never been to an entering Sefer Torah book. While I, as a non-religious child, but living in a religious neighborhood in Jerusalem – was very familiar with it. Looking on the parade, I was thinking “Just as we had in Ramot” 😁

Take Care

The advertisement for the Inauguration of a Sefer TorahThe advertisement for the Inauguration of a Sefer Torah

The Sefer Torah case -Inauguration of a Sefer TorahThe Sefer Torah case – Inauguration of a Sefer Torah

The Sefer Torah case Jewish encravments: Tree of knowledge, Prashes, The ten commandments and the rimmonim on top.

A Yad, which used to point out on the scroll of Torah while reading in it - Inauguration of a Sefer Torah A Yad, which used to point out on the scroll of Torah while reading in it

The open case and the scroll of the Torah - Inauguration of a Sefer TorahThe open case and the scroll of Torah

The open Sefer Torah, the scroll itself. Look at the last latters which will be filled in the ceremony - Inauguration of a Sefer TorahThe open Sefer Torah, the scroll itself. Look at the last latters which will be filled in the ceremony.

The new Torah ark in the synagouge - Inauguration of a Sefer TorahThe new Torah ark in the synagogue

Inside the Torah Ark, with place for the new scroll - Inauguration of a Sefer TorahInside the Torah Ark, with place for the new Torah book

An old Yad in the Synagogue - Inauguration of a Sefer TorahAn old Yad in the synagogue

The scribe filling out the last latters of the book with a quill. Inauguration of a Sefer TorahThe scribe filling out the last latters of the book with a quill.

Dancing and singing with the Torah book on the way the synagogueDancing and singing with the Torah book on the way the synagogue

The speical van for escorting the inauguration of a Sefer TorahThe speical van for escorting the inauguration of a Sefer Torah

The new Sefer Torah in the ark - Inauguration of a Sefer TorahThe new Sefer Torah in the ark