Coronavirus – Homeschooling 🏫

Since we have no kindergarten for Jannaeus, or nursery for Mindal we are practicing homeschooling.

I think the best 2 advises Atzva got from her Facebook homeschooling friends were:

Slooooow. Just do it slow. You have to still care of all the house chorus, and you got more as you stay all day long at home. But instead of finishing quickly as possible while the kids are doing something else, you do it with them and let it take as much time as it takes: cleaning the house, washing the dishes,

The other best advice was to keep the daily schedule as much as possible, and that is harder than how it sounds. You have to fill in the time between the anchors with activities that will not boring them.
You want it to be fun enough and new, but not raising their expectations too high. You cannot bake 3 level cake 🎂each day, or having camping in the living room with marshmallows on a gas stove 🍡.

But the main problem is that unlike traditional home, it is literally only at home 😳. As the Coronavirus spreads the guidelines became stricter and curfew has tighten. The playgrounds were fenced and closed and you are not allowed to reach out of an 100m distance from your house (unless for work and other specific reasons – buying food, pharmacy, medical etc…).

At least the building we live in has an open floor on columns, we can go down to. To take care of our small vegetable garden and let Xuxa run a bit. We even made a sandbox for the kids to play in. But still it is harder than ever…

Take care

Playing in the sandbox - HomeschoolingPlaying in the sandbox

Closed and fenced kindergartens in Ramat-Gan

Camping in the living room - HomeschoolingCamping in the living room

Making pancakes - HomeschoolingMaking pancakes

Playing with Ima work - HomeschoolingPlaying with Ima work

Painting time - HomeschoolingPainting time