Coronavirus – Passover Seder 🍽

The Coronavirus half curfew that was assigned on us three weeks ago, became a full curfew during the Passover Seder. From 16:00 till 7:00 two days later you could only go down with your dog or have a breath of fresh air not more than 100m from your place of living.

This how we celebrate our Passover, night, alone. Like all Jewish holidays we sit down by a big table with not less than a dozen people. One once summarize the Jewish holidays as “They try to kill us, they failed. Let’s eat!”.

When the new Corona guidelines were published, our Temporary Defense Minister, Bennett, called out to take care of grandpa and grandma and not come near them (he inspired the King of Netherlands to do the same). He also ask to do Passover alone, it was hard to imagine it but we followed his call.

Ironically, it is the holiday of freedom, as we celebrate the Exodus of Israelite from Egypt. And here we are, like most of the world, under curfew and restricted to our place of living.

One last thing – Atzva and I have both large families, and to avoid arguing where will celebrate the next holiday we just do turns. One holiday at Atzva family side, the next at my side of the family. Because there is uneven number of holidays we celebrate each specific holiday in different side. Last year we celebrated the Seder with my side, and today we were planning on celebrating it with Atzva side. Guess we’ll have to rearrange the order…

Take care

How all the family Passover Seder tables looked like, each couple celebrating by its own

Last year Passover with table with the family from my sideLast year Passover night with table with the family from my side