Coronavirus – Misanthrope

The slowly back to normal mode, or better say “had enough” of social isolation, remind me I am a misanthrope 🙂 (and also misophone) That I would prefer to keep the social isolation as a rule for life.

And it does look we are slowly going out of Coronavirus status and going back to normal. More stores will be opened on Sunday, and the rumor says kindergarten an nurseries will opened next Sunday. The public transportation still running low and trains does not work at all.

We will soon start meeting with people again, and I realized I spent pretty much of my energy during the day just being nice to people. And as Ima said – being nice to people is hard – 😁

Aba has long defined me as a misanthrope. I had never objected the definition, but never felt is fully appropriate. Now, I do feel it fits me.

I did wrote that the biggest problem I have because of the Coronavirus is hygiene. I can deal with some quiet time and family time.

It may be the fear of change back to normal or maybe it is the 41 days of kids at home in this isolation that also managed to tear apart my nervous.
And it all will be back to normal soon… 🙂

Take care

This is also a way to deal with the situation... - misanthropeThis is also a way to deal with the situation…

Kids playing in the playground near our house, although the guidelines still prevent this. - misanthropeKids playing in the playground near our house, although the guidelines still prevent this.