Coronavirus – Back to Normal

In Hebrew we call Hazlash, which is acronym for Back to normal (literally it means back to routine).

It comes, as many acronyms in Hebrew it comes from the IDF when you got emergency on daily base.

Of course we have emergency situations in Israel, like rockets fired from Gaza strip, that this acronym fits. But now we have global emergency which we are just a small part of it.

This back to normal will be anything but normal, looking on what going on with the kids kindergarten, it is pretty clear things will change – as they are required for a new set of hygiene rules. Which means not all the kids can stay (and rest? Who knows ).

This back to normal supposed to extend until the 16th of June, as long as the new cases will stay low as it is now.

Fatma, my youngest sister, and Ze’ev wedding was postponed once already and will probably postponed again. Lucky as we celebrate on Zoom… 😏

After 56 days (!) without kindergarten and nursery will have adapt to it all over again. I must say that as this time was stressed as hell, I did find myself spend 5-6 hours alone with my  Jannaeus and Mindal 😍. Time  I would usually would have spend on the way or at work (put aside the fact I would keep answers e-mails, calls and massages even with a crying baby on my hand…)

Let’s hope will pass it quick, as for this Coronavirus I feel I need glasses all day long and it really does not work with those masks on our faces 😷🤓

Take Care


Coronavirus - daily new cases in Israel up to 20200509 - back to normalCoronavirus – daily new cases in Israel up to 20200509

During the eggs crisis just before Passover, hope those situations over.... -  back to normalDuring the eggs crisis just before Passover, hope those situations over….

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