Mindal baby formula 🍼

Unlike Jannaeus breastfeeding weaning was not smooth as we wish it to be. That is why we end up with baby formula.

Or as Atzva put it “we are exchanging one addiction with another”. What makes me think if using the word weaning for rhis process is correct, or rehabliation fits here more.

Either way she is now taking baby formula and acts as any other 70 years alcoholic acts – happy when she sees the bottle, and once she finish drinking it she ask for another (in the cutest way ever saying “another one”).

The idea is to slowly stop breastfeeding – first during the day and then during the night. The first part went smooth, but Mindal got stuck on the second.

We never had this issue with Jannaeus as Atzva cut clear and we had the strength to handle the crying and sleepless nights with him. I can allways claim she much more stubborn on this issue.

There is of course the logistics of handling it – a bottle, a box with formula and hot water (might be problematic in Shabbat).

The cost is not high, but higher than breastfeeding of course. But since it should not take more than 2 months till we end the process it should not be so expansive.

Other, more serious, issue is that those formula are mostly based on cow milk and it seems Mindal is allergic to it – she coughs all night and her nose is running. We hope it was solved quickly as we change it to soya milk based formula.

On top of all this, I cannot stop thinking of the Remedia baby formula tragedy

Take care

Materna baby formulaMaterna baby formula

Making a bottle - baby formulaMaking a bottle