Coronavirus – home fitness 🎽

During first wave of Coronavirus, the guidelines demanded that you will need leave the hundred meter radius of your home. Well… we did not really kept it, as we went around with the kids to about 200m radius…  But I still could not run and Atzva to go to fitness group.

I could run as some people did – running in circles of 400 meter. I used to run on the stadium when I was practicing for the marathon run. I did run with earphones listening with podcasts, but did made me crazy to count the rounds, as I kept confusing.

The guy I was running with, told me to use an old Golani Brigade trick to count km during navigation training. You keep stones on your pocket and move it to the other pocket to count km. No, I did run with stones in my pockets.

As I could not run, I had joined Atzva fitness program. She started it some time before the Coronavirus Pandemic broke – used to meet in the nearby playground with a fitness training and training. During the curfew they moved to Zoom training.

As I did nothing during those days, I looked at Atzva jumping and do push-ups while I sit on the Sofa. I could not do it for long, so I joined her 🙂

After a long time I only run, moving other parts of my body felt really good. And the idea I can have workout at home also fits, even now when we are allowed to get out of the house and run out. I can let Atzva go out to her fitness group, while I practice and keep an eye of the kids – Win-Win situation for both of us

Take Care

My home fitness studioMy home fitness studio. Sometimes Xuxa is looking at me practicing with a really strange look on her face.

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