Municipal kindergarten

Jannaeus and Mindal big day his here and they are both back to kindergarten: Mindal to her nursery, but Jannaeus is for in to Municipal kindergarten 🙂

For us it means saving of couple of hundreds of Shekels for a month. This is one of the results of 2011 protests, that the education system will start from 3 years old age.

“Welcome to the Israeli education system” as one of co-workers said to me Ironically. I know what he meant, but somehow this year Back to School went pretty smooth – without teachers strikes (but with threats…). Apparently all it is need to start the year without strikes is a world pandemic that paralyze the world economy… 😏

The location is good, and we are happy about the kindergartner (and we already have practice with kindergartners we are not happy with…).

Saba called to congratulate us and told me about and argument he had with the head of education in the ministry. He claimed that youth movement, such as the scouts he sent us over to, is important to how people grow up. His coulee said “what a kindergartner see and don’t fix on 3 years old, no no youth movement can change”

We do have the option to keep paying for a private kindergarten for another two years. But as we said it is couple of thousands shekels a month, and we got the kindergartner we wished for 🙂

Either way the first week supposed to be an adaption week. First the kid stay in the kindergarten for two hours with the parents, the next day 4 hours with the parents, after that half a day alone and so on. Because of the Coronavirus it was all remote control. The meeting with the kindergartner was in Zoom and on the first day we walked Jannaeus and Mindal to the door and say goodbye. It was hard (for us at least), but it passed OK

Take care

Jannaeus and Mindal on their way to kindergarten

The Municipal kindergarten we were assigned to - Municipal kindergartenThe Municipal kindergarten we were assigned to

Coronvirus guidelines at the entrance to the kindergarten - Municipal kindergartenCoronvirus guidelines at the entrance to the kindergarten

On the way to school with masks - Municipal kindergarten On the way to school with masks

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