We ate our launch at the headquarters building of the Syrian forces on Golan heights (it is abandon now, as the Syrian no longer role Golan Heights). A large and impressive building near the abandon city of Quneitra. I did pass by it many times, but did not have the chance to stop and look in.
It is a 3 story building, 120m long on 30 m wide in the shape of a U. It was built between 1960 and 1962 with high standards under Russian supervision. A prove that is it was hit by bombs on Six Day War and mainly on Yom Kippur War, and the main stair was damaged. But the rest still standing, with no major sign of wear.
The building has another important part in the Israeli History. It is marked as point number 8 Eli Cohen trail. Eli Cohen is probably the highest Israeli spy (Netflix Spy series is about him), especially in Syria where he managed to get as high as chief adviser to the Minister of Defense. He visit here on 19.10.1962 and at other times to gather access to location in Golan Heights before 1967. The fact he managed to travel around the area shows the high rank he had, as the area was closed except for the citizens living in it.
You can find some more pics and data (in Herbew) in Naamoush
And more on michaelarch
Take Care
The headquarters building of the Syrian forces on Golan heights
The sign at the entrance to the building: Dear visitor you are The headquarters building of the Syrian forces placed here until summer 1967. Eli Cohen, May God avenge his blood, passed those stairs when entering the building on 19.10.1962 and on other dates during his service between 1962-1965″ (you can read his full story here)
A memorial for Eli Cohen (Point #8 in Eli Cohen trail). The lock marks that Eli managed to unlock all the Syrians secrets
Sitting in a lecture with masks for the Coronavirus
High quality, but segregation can be seen at the bottom of the massive beams
The corridor of the building (Looking North)

A hole in the roof of the building, probably from Yom Kippur war
The results of the bomb that hit the building
Massive amount of reinforcement bars, that is what hold the beam
The hit staircase from below, only the second story had collapsed showing how massive the construction is.
The North-East room of the building, where another sign in memorial of Eli Cohen was installed.
The sign about the permit Eli Cohen received to visit El – Hama (Hamat Gader) (Source: Pikiwiki, Oshra Dayan)
Eli Cohen visited here, on intelligence branch to have access to El-Hama (Source: 4×4.co.il):
A replica of the permit in Arabic (Source: 4×4.co.il):
A replica of the permit in Hebrew (Source: 4×4.co.il):
An visit approval to El-Hama to Kamel Amin Thaabet
The Arab Republic of Syria
The General
1.Names: Kamel Amin Thaabet only
2.Citizenship: Argentinian (original)
3.Reason: Bathing
4.Date of leaving on return: 19.10.1962, 30.10.1962
5.This approval is for several travels
General Abed El-Karim Zahar El-Adin
Commander of the Army and the Armed forces

Looking South, toward Qunetra, from the stairs window
The roof of the front of the building, with the columns raising up

The inner court of the building
The collapsed staircase on the roof level

The Wind Turbines farm at Emek HaBakha (North of it) from the roof of the building