Yom Kippur reading 馃摎

When we used to visit Atzva religious parents, before Jannaeus and Mindal, I used read book for a day. The only times before I had to chance to read so much was during Yom Kippur reading.

Others, who fast and also keep the other demands (no electricity for example) find other habits – a 1,000 pieces puzzle can be one of those.

This Yom Kippur with the Coronavirus all liabilities municipal and those on the train station) and book stores (new and rebook) were all closed. And left with book I thought I should read, but too heavy for Yom Kippur reading.

Atzva raised the glove, and couple of hours later I had two Jack Reacher books, that fits for Yom Kippur reading Yom Kippur reading

The book I was just finished to read was also great for this kind of flowing, easy reading. It is called Gibor (hero in Hebrew) and tells the fiction story of Noam Gibor, an IAF jet fighter pilot which his attack starts a catastrophic war in Israel.

Completely fits the mind set of聽apocalypse that will come upon us in two weeks when we see the results of Yom Kippur crowded prays…

Take care

The book Gibor on the left and Jack Reacher book - Yom kippur readingThe book Gibor on the left and Jack Reacher book

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