Coronavirus – Wedding 👰🤵

Yesterday evening we been to the first wedding in the Coronavirus era. It was limited to only 50 people, meaning we are pretty close to the groom or bride – the groom is Atzva brother It was on the bride half-brother houses, just an house with a big yard (and a pool, we all ended in it… )

This week we are about to enter the second curfew for the Coronvirus, 2nd wave has raised up and above what we had back on first wave. This wedding has been right on time.

Fatma, my little sister was really unfortunate with her wedding. They have postponed it twice already: First from April (when it all begun) to June, and then to October.

It means Fatma wedding will be postponed again. In some point they thought about having that small family one on Gury backyard, but have missed the window of opportunity. I do hope it will not damage their relationship. I do know at least their wedding and broke apart for this all story.

I don’t know about what you have over day on regular days, but I must say the wedding industry here have broken records. the co-workers on my office (that were supposed to get married this year) were talking about some 800 guests!

Yes, I have enjoyed my wedding, with some 300 guests. But I sure we could have been reduced it, to 200 maybe 150 people. 50 people is a bit small amount of people, at least they don’t they take into account kids, so Jannaeus and Mindal are for free…

Take Care

The second wave  of Coronavirus in Israel has not not reach the peak - WeddingThe second wave  of Coronavirus in Israel has not not reach the peak

The entrance - WeddingThe entrance

The Lobby, dancing floor, the bar, the boufet and the pool - WeddingThe Lobby, dancing floor, the bar, the boufet and the pool

The sitting area (with the TV for the Zoom...) - WeddingThe sitting area (with the TV for the Zoom…)