3rd generation

You might think the 3rd generation is some kind of new technology 3rd generation, a new cellular network, a new updated software or something of this kind. But it is really the 3rd generation of Holocaust survivors, Holocaust 3.0

My parents are the 2nd generation and carry heavier load than I do. from what is in the house regarding food – Ima once described how Savta Hinda beat her for the potatoes pills were too thick for one that ate soup from this leftovers.
Until the time Saba Arieh stopped talking with Aba for buying Volkswagen from Germany, the same firm that he might been “working” for in Auschwitz III.

But we still have the load. I for example cannot throw away food. It might be for my fat character. But there researches showing how hunger trauma can go down down to 3rd Generation.

Fatma had an assignment for university to investigate a topic in our family. See picked up the irony we, mainly the kids, keep using. She asked us why we are doing it – the answer was Holocaust. We all grow up in Jerusalem during the 2nd Intifada when busses blow up and friends were shot. We all served in the IDF and had our combats with deads. But still marked first the Holocaust.

We swear to remember till 10th generation, but I wish my kids will not have to also carry it…

I can only wish: “Amen, Amen on my kids who won’t carry on my scratches (slang for f**ked ups).

Saba Arieh and his 3rd generation granddaughterSaba Arieh and his 3rd generation granddaughter

Take Care

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