Fatma wedding 👰‍♀️

I don’t know if you were aware of it, but today was Fatma wedding! 💃🕺💍

Yep our youngest sister got married, and at the youngest age of us all – 27 years. Not that young, but still younger than the other brothers and sister. And what makes us all very old 😅.

I could really say how only yesterday we have changed her diapers, and now she is married 😱.

After a year of Coronavirus, when Fatma wedding had been postponed for over a year – they decided to get married anyway. Lucky them Guri is renting an house with a field on the back. We had spent some days there to clean it up and fixed for them.

It is Lag BaOmer, which in the Jewish tradition allows to celebrate. That why the wedding was set for today. If not for the wedding we would have probably camp somewhere and lit campfire.

The main event of this holiday is in mount Meiron. But the crowded area became a death trap. We woke up to hear about 45 people smashed to death in Mount Meron disaster.

It is the biggest civil disaster by number of dead (the biggest disaster in Israel are mainly military events). The biggest since mount Carmel fire disaster. Unlike the fire which is a nature disaster this was an hand made event. But what really makes me mad about it, it is still treated as a nature event. No one will take responsibility. The place is a ex-territory in Israel. Another part of the Haerdi autonomy with no rules except for the religion. We realize how bad it be when Israel does not during Coronavirus time when the law has not been enforced. This disaster is another step along this path…

Although today was crucial day for Hapoel Jerusalem to fight to climb to first league. I only heard about it the day after. The celebration were postponed to next week game in Teddy, because of the disaster. As it now allowed to also bring kids (with a quick Coronavirus test) – we will make it a family trip Fatma wedding

Take Care