Iron dome interceptions over Tel Aviv

Missile schedule – Guardian of the Walls – day 4

On the first missle Hamas had announced its missile schedule – 18:00 o’clock they said, on 18:00 o’clock a missile was fired at Jerusalem area (it landed in Beit Nekofa, not far away from my parents house in Har Adar)

Than the Islamic Jiahad declared it will fire at Tel Aviv at 21:00. He almost did…. but the fire started at 20:45. Not a big drama, but still – not on time. Later this night, on 1:00 they shot missiles, with no announcement.

That was the on the first day of Guardian of the Walls. But since then, they were completely off their missile schedule.

Some days the fire without announcement, on the other they say it will be on 2:00 and they fire at 3:30. An hour and half late.

And today, today they fired a missile to Tel Aviv on noon. What happened to the “fire only on night” accepted practice?

Now, I know IAF is hitting you hard. But that is not an excuse.

And to be serious for a moment – Ashkelon ans Sderot kids are sleeping on their staircases for those missiles. A 5 years old kid was killed by a missile shrapnel that penetrate the MMD window. Hope it will end soon, but it seems there will be a long ground maneuver in Gaza missile schedule.

Take Care

1:12 red alerts - missile schedule1:12 red alerts

1:49 Red alert - missile schedule1:49 Red alert

Iron dome interceptions over Tel Aviv

Iron dome interceptions over Tel Aviv

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