Operation Guardian of the Walls – day 2

It is the second day of this battle, or we used to call it, operation. The name is Guardian of the Walls. Haartz can tells it better here, but let me write it down for you Guardian of the Walls

Generally talking – it is Ramadan time, a holy month for Muslims when they fast during day and eat at night. For us in construction industry it means the sites are working slowly as the workers stop to work around 12:00 and go home.

Skeikh Jarrah weekly protests (been there for 12 years) on April 9th was violent as an MK from left wing party was hit by a policeman. It brought the issue to the headlines.

For some reason the police had placed barriers on Damascus gate for safety reasons and prevent sitting on the steps as the Ramadan month begun. That led of riots of  young Muslims and went up to Mount Temple.

Than TikTok videos of Arabs hitting Jewish for the video had started flooding the social networks. While Right wing MK are vising Damascus gate and Skeikh Jarrah to demand the police to go hard on the riots.

The Damascus gate barriers been removed couple of days later. You might think  things will call down, but the elections on Palestinian authority have been postponed. And right wing MK moved to Skeikh Jarrah to show who rules. He took it apart days later.

Two days ago, Jerusalem day, there was supposed to be the Dance of flags (in which important sites in Jerusalem are visited for the memory of Six day War release of Jerusalem). It had been canceled for clear reasons. As Hamas warned, he shot a missile toward Jerusalem. It fall not far from my parents house, in Beit Nekofa . In return IDF had attacked 13 story building.

Aall night and today rockets had been shot on Ashkelon and it suburbans killing two Israelis. As the Jiahad warned – he shot rockets at 21:00 at Tel-Aviv. Sending Atzva, Jannaeus, Mindal, Xuxa and I running to the stairs for half and hour and killing one more Israeli at Holon.

When Tel-Aviv was first bombard it was a big issue. It was a bigger issue when we lived here. But it becomes more and more common….

It also means Guardian of the Walls will last…

Take Care


Iron dome interceptions over Holon of rockets shot from Gaza strip to Israel

A gasoline tank hit directly from a missile from Gaza strip