Prime Minister Naftali Bennett

The change government was raised and we have a new prime minister! – Naftali Bennett. 12 years of Bibi rule are about to end.

After a long weekend in Dolev with Atzva family, we realized no one happy about it. Not Bibi voters (we wish to see Bibi as the prime minister), not the left voters like me (that have a right wing party as prime minister) not Bennet voters (that will have left wing parties as Meretz and Arabs).

That is when you say – if none is happy about the solution, it is probably a good compromise 🙂.

But look on the good side – we don’t have Bibi 🙂 Means it won’t be so bad to be considered to be left wing voter or an Arab in Israel. He will also have time for his trail, and not as the head of parallel authority.

But not only Bibi, the Ultra-Orthodox parties are out of the government. They were sitting in it since 2009, except 2013-2015, what let them to set their autonomy. If someone was trying to touch it, they threaten to overturn the government.

It is a fragile party, but never the less, all who sits in it has Inters it will work. Sa’ar who wish to set is party as strong against and alternative to Likud party. Naftali Bennett who basically went against many of his voters to sit with Left wing parties. The Arabs and Meretz who haven’t set in the government for a long time, or forever. Yair Lapid, who will set himself as the next Prime minister.

For the moment it even seems that the ministers were chosen according to their field of expert, could you believe it? A minister who understand his work?

We can now have some hope for better future.,,,

Take Care

First government meeting with Prime Minister Naftali BennettFirst government meeting with Prime Minister Naftali Bennett

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