Flying with the Coronavirus 🦠

They say we will have to leave our normal life with this virus, and what is more normal than flying with the coronavirus? So we are flying for our summer vacation to the US.

(I told you will be passing by you, but no response so far, we can meet if you wish 😉).

It is August, and altough it seems the Airport is crowded, it isn’t pack as always. Back when the all coronavirus started, we flew over for a ski vacation. The only mask we saw, was on the Milka cow in the Duty Free. Now we are all with masks, as the the government set back the rule mask need to worn in public areas.

It seems we are the beginning of the fourth wave of Coronavirus in Israel. There are already talks about another lockdown on September. It is the best time for lockdown, as the holidays covers most of the work month. But it the worst time as we won’t see our families for a long time.

This rise in the number of positive casss already led to bew restrictions. One of those restrictions is a quarantine for the passengers in most of incoming flights. When we bought the tickets we knew Jannaeus and Mindal will have to be in quarentine when will be back (as they are not vaccined). But last week new restrictions means Atzva an I will also have to be quarantined.

Jannaeus, Mindal and Atzva have already been in quarantine but I have never had to sit down closed at home, while it is all normal outside. It will be quarantine, my first ever. But who knows, maybe when we will be back the all country will already be in a lockdown 😁

Take Care

On the entance to the airportOn the entance to the airport

Flying with the Coronavirus - we are all with masks, even the kidsFlying with the Coronavirus – we are all with masks, even the kids

flying the coronavirus - the not too crowded airport hallThe not too crowded hall