Monterey bay Aquarium

I think the Monterey bay Aquarium is first aquarium I have been to. I am sure it is the first time For Mindal and Jannaeus, and maybe also for Atzva 🙂

The aquarium is a beautiful and amazing place, and the jellyfish sector with the colorful creatures. The sandy shore area and rocky shore sea area are built great.

I cannot pass by without looking on the building structure: the roof and the truss crossing the building from side to side in the middle of the building are remarkable.

Ironiclly the aquarium is built where a Cannery was operating and making sardines cans out of the fish the place now hold and preserve.

To get there we drove along road 1 which is a great panoramic view road. Atzva and I already drove along the Northern part of it in our *honey moon*, and now we completed also the Southern part.

It was nice as we see elephant seals lying on the beach fighting and calling to each other. We also had the chance to see couple of more bridges and enjoy the view (although it was mostly foggy).

Take Care

Hodven cannery area

The truss bridge crossing the aquarium

The otters

The sardines swimming in circeles above your head

Jannaeus looks on the sardines swirll from above it from above

Tuna fish.Pretty scary, I can understand why they can it…

The big sea turtle making its way slowly for is

small curbs


And snaller one hidding as rocks

A small shark

Birds are part of the sandy shore area

Jannaeus watching Salomon fish at the rocky shore area

The Monterey harbor that changed into commercial area

Monterey, California, USA

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Monterey, California, USA 36.600200, -121.895000

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