Bair Island

We took a babysitter (Atzva sister and her husband, who were happy to be a bit of an aunt and uncle to their nephews) and went on a nice walk to Burlingame, Hillsdale shopping center and Bair Island.

Burlingame is a nice old town south from San Fransisco, where you can walk a bit in a real street and not just between stores in a mall or between huge superstores

Our second stop was at Hillsdale mall. It was the first and only mall we been to and it is quite the same as what we back at home. The problem with eating so good at our hosting place  is that we cannot really eat nothing else apart from it 🤭 We kept looking on the tasty things and end up with choosing a chicken sandwich from Winner Winner and Ramen.

We could spend a day off without enjoy a bit of nature. We headed to Bair Island with our packed lunch to enjoy the view while eating and walk a bit between the island tunnels

Take Care

Burlingame main street

General view on Bair Island
General view on Bair Island

A breath of fresh air amid the urban jungle sign
A breath of fresh air amid the urban jungle sign

Hiding all around you sign - Bair Island
Hiding all around you sign

The animals in Bair Island sign
The animals in Bair Island sign

Changing uses, changing land sign - Bair Island
Changing uses, changing land sign

Atzva on the way to the point of view
Atzva on the way to the point of view

The point of view - Bair Island
The point of view

View from point of view
View from point of view

Point of view signs

A industrial point, between 1940-1970 the place used to produce salt
A industrial point, between 1940-1970 the place used to produce salt

Why hunting is allowed sign - Bair Island
Why hunting is allowed sign

Bair Island, California, USA

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Bair Island, California, USA 37.498071, -122.223812

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