Carmel storm

The Carmel storm hit Israel this week. It was not a very powerful storm, nor special by any other way (amont of rain, special events…). People did stay at home and Naharyia and Akko had closed their school in fear of floods, but no special event had occurred.

Why do I tell you about it then? Well the reason is that this rain event has a name. Yep, just like you have names for hurricanes and tornados in USA, we got our names for our storms.

Yes, you can say there is a small difference is between your Tornado storms that kills hundreds or Hurricanes that kills thousands and the winter storms we have here in Israel.

But still, the idea is to seperate regular events then special events. The European Meteorological Network (Eumetnet) has divided Europ into 5 areas, each gets the storm names according to the countries on the area and the ABC names. Our area includes, ezcept Israel, Cyprus and Greece. Carmel is the third name in line (the first two did not effect us), and as it was Israel turn, we choose an Israeli name in C – Carmel🙂. The next name in D will be Diomedes (from Greece), and the Israeli next Israeli name will be Irit (in I).

Now I will be able to write you down about specific storms with name and not just to tell you about special events with headlines like: Jerusalem rain event, Tel-Aviv cloudbrust or Jerusalem snow games.

Take Care

The rainfall forecast for Carmel storm, over 100mm of rain over Tel Aviv - and we did got it and even over.

The rainfall forecast for Carmel storm, over 100mm of rain over Tel Aviv – and we did got it and even over.

Wadi Kofer, that collect 70% of Ramat Gan rain water, is overflowing during Carmel storm.

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