Fifth wave “no lockdown” 🌊

Prime Minister Bennet promise there will be no lockdown, so we have no lockdown. Yes, they are new restrictions (that can be changed daily), order to put on the maks* and general request to stay at home (as the Factory sent us over to work from home). But no lockdown At least not the kind the government force.

The Omicron fifth wave shows low morbidity till now (around 300 hard cases), so there is no justification to close down the economy. But we do have many cases (around 50,000 cases a day, with positive ratio of around 2% positive tests), sending many to quarantine. Is it because they are positive, or because their kids are positive and one have to stay with his kid at home.

Maybe this what they have meant we should live along with the virus… (funny as the virus does not want us to live 😉).

But the real sign we are in the middle of the a Coronavirus is that there is no traffic. Aba and Ima traveled back home from us in 50 minutes driving 70 km/h on Ayalon Highway, instead of an hour and an half. And I really thinking about moving our office car to construction sites, something we usually avoid doing.

Take Care

P.S. Jannaeus got his first Coronavirus vaccine 🙂 (it was a real struggle with him is he afraid of the pain from the needle).

Fifth wave new gold - hard to get self check Antigen check, since they replaced many of the PCR check.  - no lockdown

Fifth wave new gold – hard to get self check Antigen check, since they replaced many of the PCR check.

Quarantine kids is a crime

Quarantine kids is a crime

This shot is dangerous for kids, the virus is not. Green Bedge = Black Mark - no lockdown

This shot is dangerous for kids, the virus is not.
Green Bedge = Black Mark