War in Ukraine

Apart from looking on the war as a soldier there are two mysteries at the moment at the war in Ukraine, of how Russian army and Ukraine people tactics warplane works.

The first is the 65 km long Russian army armored column that stretched from Belarus to the outskirts of Kyiv. How come the Ukrainians does not attack the convoy? My guess is they cannot use the air force because the afraid of anti aircraft. I do think they do attack it with anti tank weapon but it almost not seen on such a long column. And from the other side – how come the Russian allow himself to concentrate some much force on single place on dingle road, without spread this enormous force to several columns and to have some redundancy.

The second issue is how come the Russian air force does not participate more in the attacks. I can only guess they prefer shooting missiles than losing aircraft – something that looks every bad on social media.

But those mysteries seems as everybody still think of Russia will have a Blitzkrieg. She does not, the war last too long to be Lightning War.
And if they had planned for it, they would attack with more forces at the first place.

It still looks like The Russian army works on soviet doctrines – “What does not go with force will go with more force”. First they enter the old vehicles and simple army units. Making the enemy to waste their sophisticated weapon on those units and tanks. As the war will progress, newer tanks and APC will enter the combats. More accurate missiles will be used along with faster aircraft.

Someone said the German Pantzer tank was way above the Soviet or the American tanks at WWII. But there was not about quality, but about mass numbers. Russia plan to make it along, bloody and endless war. As long as they need, as many dead Russian soldiers, dead Ukrainian civilians and how Ukraine will end up – even if it will burnt to the grown. Unless Ukraine will surrender or NATO will interfere.

I did tell it makes me understand thinks about our wars as well.

Take Care

The Russian convoy (source: Maxar technologies) - War in Ukraine
The Russian convoy (source: Maxar technologies)

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